Features of Native Tags

Quoted Strings

Using the shlex module, double/single quoted strings are interpreted as a single string element now. Take this example templatetag: {% myfunc 'hello world' %}. If you were to write your own templatetag from scratch to handle this when calling token.contents.split() it would return ["'hello", "world'"] and ruin the continuity of the string. With Native Tags quoted strings act just like they should and the arguments parsed from the above example would be ['hello world'] as expected.

Keyword arguments

Arguments and keyword arguments are parsed out of the template to more closely match the Python API. That way {% myfunc arg1 arg2 kwarg1=value1 kwarg2=value2 %} represents the function with signature def myfunc(arg1, arg2, kwarg1=value1, kwarg2=value2). This also means that *args and **kwargs can also be used in native tag functions.

Auto resolve

By default variables passed into Native Tags are by default resolved in the tag’s context. If a variable cannot be found, then the string is just returned. This functionality can be turned off by setting the tag function’s resolve attribute to False.

Auto load

Tired of calling {% load %} on every single template you want to use your favorite tags on? Native Tags lets you define templatetags as part of the builtins which are loaded automagically. Just place your favorite templatetags into the DJANGO_BUILTIN_TAGS setting and kiss {% load %} tags good bye

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